About Raksha Kennels
Owned by Lorraine Tipple
Raksha Champion Huggy Bear
My passion for the animal husbandry started in 1965 when I purchased a Border Collie Kelpie and then in 1971 after considerable success in obedience training I ,established Raksha Kennels and started showing and breeding Basenjis. Then in the early 70's I started to show and obedience trial a Collie. In the early 80's Shelties and miniature Schnauzers were intoduced to Raksha Kennels.
I became very successful with the dogs, gaining Australian Champions and in Obedience, trialled six Companion Dogs (CD), three Companion Dog Excellent (CDX), a Utility Dog (UD) and Graduate Dog (GD).And two Australian Grand Champions.
Raksha Kennels miniature Schnauzers are oustanding and many are Australian Champion in the show ring, CD and CDX obedience titles. Raksha Kennels foundation bitch has been a very successful bitch, and with the introduction of European, American and Canadian bloodlines I have bred Champions and Obedience, Jumping Dog (JD), Agility Dog (AD) and Endurance Title (E.T.) dogs.
Raksha Kennels breeds black and silver Schnauzers, in particular, CH Raksha Huggy Bear C.D and CH Raksha George Girl. At present Raksha Pandora's Box and Raksha Victory Dancer are being shown with Pepper and Salt CH.Raksha Tyme Traveller, Raksha Oliver Twist and Raksha Yantzee. All breeding stock are eye tested and have won many In Groups and In Show Awards.
In 1992 Standard Schnauzer Treuliebe Gerhard (Boris) joined the team and became Australia's, first Schnauzer Grand Champion, with an Obedience Title and many In groups, In show and Melbourne Royal Show wins. I have achieved great success showing Boris over fifteen years . Boris was mated to a Belgium bitch and from there I gained my foundation bitch Keesha who with her brothers, Zar and Kasper gained their Champion Titles.
I have shown and /or bred, many Champions, Obedience and Endurance Title stock. I now have the first Victorian Bred Grand Champion Raksha Yes Im Lucas C.D, E.T with Endurance and Obedience Titles and Herding passes,a Melbourne Royal Challenge and In Group wins.
Temperament is a very important factor in breeding and this enables my stock to become family members and trainable for obedience and companions for seniors and special children. This is why so many people enjoy the friendly and obedient nature of Raksha Kennels bred dogs.
For Information
The Australian National Kennel Council publication entitled Rules for conduct of Obedience Trials details class titles, champion title and classes as follows;
Class Titles available are Community Companion Dog (C.C.D), Companion Dog (C.D), Companion Dog Excellent (C.D.X), Utility Dog (U.D) and Utility Dog Excellent (U.D.X) appearing after the name of the dog.
Champion Title is available to dogs who have obtained Utility Dog (U.D) tile and further scores and the title Obedience Champion (O.CH) appears before the name of the dog.
Classes available are Community Companion Dog Class. Novice Class, Open Class, Utility Class and Utility Dog Excellent Class.
For further guidance read Australian National Kennel Council rules via web page link